Monday, March 28, 2016

Crawling AD group membership to create a CSV that imports into Visio

WOW, I guess this has been neglected for quite awhile. This explains just how busy I've been. Well to make up for it, here is an awesome module I created a few years back that searches Active Directory for a user or a group name, finds it's memberships through 4 levels of nesting and converts it to a CSV that Visio 2010 can import as an org chart. This worked great all on it's own, but I wasn't happy.

Where I work they tend to also add AD security groups to local server groups as well, so I wanted to know which ones. Then what about duplicate memberships through nested memberships? or circular memberships? Then there are SQL securities, and file share securities.

I did a lot of work to make this both as user friendly and as much of a one-stop-shop for everything audit departments want regarding this kid of thing.

It will create this:

And allow you to create this:

And now the Code: